MBM Triumph 4815 Cutter
The Triumph 4815 is a powerful, semi-automatic cutter with electric blade drive, manual spindle clamp, and EASY CUT blade activation.
The patented EASY CUT electronic blade activation bars for true two-hand operation; electronically controlled front safety guard; safety cover on rear table; main switch and safety lock with key; 24 volt controls (low voltage); patented IDEAL safety drive; automatic blade return from every position; disc brake for instant blade stop; blade changing device covers cutting edge of blade; blade depth adjustment from outside of machine; blade and cutting stick can be changed without removing covers.

Front Safety Shield
Transparent, electronically controlled, front safety guard
Backgauge Handcrank
The calibrated handcrank is used to set the spindle guided backgauge. The LED display ensures precise positioning.
Easy Cut Blade Activation Bars
Patented EASY CUT blade activation bars ensure true, two-handed operation.
Tool Holder
Convenient, drop-in tool holder is located on the rear of the machine and keeps all tools necessary for routine maintenance (including blade changes) within reach.
Safe Blade Changes
Blade changes can be made without removing machine covers. Handy blade changing device covers the cutting edge of blade.

Cutting Width: Up to 18.625″ / Cutting Height: Up to 3″ / Cutting Depth: 1″ to 18″
Machine Size: 41.5″ D x 30″ W x 55.5″ H / Shipping Weight: 531 lbs.
1.5 HP, 115 VAC 60 Hz (20 Amp dedicated line recommended)